Tonno e Cipolle
Directly from the marbellous Apulia region, this is a typical southern Italian appetizer, tasteful and rich like the land it comes from.
Tonno e cipolle
Directly from the marbellous Apulia region, this is a typical southern Italian appetizer, tasteful and rich like the land it comes from.
Step 1
The preparation is really easy. Chop the red onions in half and then continue chop in stripes, putting the stripes in a bowl. Add cannellini beans and tuna filet (use tuna under oil, preferably avoid tuna under water).
Step 2
Season it all with spicy extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.
Store in the fridge and let cool for a couple of hours at least.
(for 4 people)
1 can of tuna under oil
1 can cannellini beans
5 tbsp spicy extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste